All our courses are bespoke. Here is a portfolio of our existing courses to start the discussion about your training needs.

Assertive communication
During this one-day course, you share your experience of connection and conflict in a recent communication at work or at home. You learn the four steps of NVC and develop the skills for meeting challenging situations proactively (NVC ‘requests’). The day includes interactive practices, role-play, and lively learning on issues relevant in your own life.
Empathic listening
This one-day training focuses on the skill of mindful listening (NVC ‘receiving’). Through skillful and sensitive exercises, you explore for yourself the limited effect of ‘ordinary’ listening, and in contrast, discover the dynamic potential of true empathic listening. The pinnacle of the course is the discovery of underlying human needs as a pathway into empathy, and the realm of feeling. You practice hearing others with kindness and understanding, rather than judgment or criticism.
Emotional Intelligence
This one or two day training gives you an emotionally-intelligent and mindful approach to your own emotions, and a way to understand other people´s. You have the chance to discuss challenging life situations in a safe and confidential environment, and to uncover gems of learning. You become familiar with the four steps of NVC and learn to apply them to your interactions and relationships.

Effective communication
This two-day training unites the know-how and practice of assertive requests with the skill of empathic listening, and offers them as a coherent, effective approach to communication. The unifying element is NVC, with its the four steps uniquely refined for greatest benefit, plus heaps of practice. Towards the end of the second day you venture into the troubled waters of conflict resolution, and find your way back to dry land. t
Nonviolent communication
This is the classic, all-time favorite foundation training for NVC. You learn the four steps of NVC, helpfully re-cast as four mindful choices, and apply them to making honest requests in ways others will want to hear. You also practice ways to receive others, even when they are stressed or angry. The training is full of sharing, interaction and practice scenarios, using role-plays and other interactive methods. Teams benefit from a one-day follow-up within a month.
A one or two-day training, where you learn and implement tools for efficient, seamless and non-partial facilitation. Whether you are facilitating meetings or wider projects, the course supports you to engage your participants, for maximum interest, openness and willingness. You learn skills that reduce time spent on fruitless group discussions, and that streamline effective decision-making. Each participant has the chance to lead a session and receive feedback., –

Conflict resolution and mediation
A two-day course that brings to life the skill of a (formal or informal) mediator. You apply the four steps of NVC to mediating and resolving conflicts for others – and also for yourself. The course is full of case studies, role-plays and mutual feedback.
It takes several different trainings to fully support leaders as they develop. Focusing on communication and emotional intelligence, you may choose to home in on a particular skillset (e.g. feedback giving or goal-setting, etc.), or to cover the whole spectrum of leadership skills, in several modules. Depending on the needs and level of experience of your managers, we work with you closely, to design the best training for your people.
Let’s work together on your
next project
Team courses, individual coaching or organizational consultancy – start by discovering your needs.